Books I read in May

Three books on top of a white shelf. On top of them is a cactus in a pot shaped like a whale. Behind them stands a round pink mirror, and to their right is a purple knitted coaster and a rainbow card with the words 'the best is yet to come' on it

Olivia - Dorothy Strachey This is a pretty short book - I read the whole thing on holiday in the first week of May. You might not have heard of Dorothy Strachey, but you will certainly have heard of Virginia Woolf, who was close friends with Dorothy’s husband Lytton Strachey. This is Strachey's only novel,… Continue reading Books I read in May

Books I read in March

Hi everyone! Welcome to my first monthly book review roundup! I haven’t read a lot this month, partly because have recently moved halfway across the country for a new job and I only managed to get myself signed up to my local library halfway through March. However, I thought I would share my thoughts on… Continue reading Books I read in March

How to avert a book packing crisis

Hello everyone! Today, in the next episode of “Cadence makes book related decisions and blogs about them” we have…drum roll please…packing books! In a few days I move back to university, and I’m currently staring at the bookshelves in my childhood bedroom trying desperately to figure out which I can’t bear to leave behind and… Continue reading How to avert a book packing crisis

‘What is that word “always”?

Last weekend, along with many other people, I sat down to watch the new BBC adaptation of Vikram Seth’s ‘A Suitable Boy’. It wasn’t perfect, but adaptations of books rarely are (Greta Gerwig’s ‘Little Women’ and the most recent BBC ‘Howard’s End’ being two exceptions), and this book was realistically never going to turn into… Continue reading ‘What is that word “always”?

The ultimate Zoom bookshelf

Everyone has to deal with video-calling software these days. Our bosses, our teachers, those random people that get interviewed on the news that haven’t quite figured out webcams yet and will one day regret that a close-up of their chin was once broadcast on BBC1. Bad screenshots on Zoom are the new drunk night out… Continue reading The ultimate Zoom bookshelf

Time for tea

Hello everyone! In the interests of making sure this blog doesn’t just become a documentation of my struggles with lockdown (and also because I’m really really bored and need something to occupy me) I thought I’d lighten things up a bit by combining two of my favourite things – tea, and books! So I had… Continue reading Time for tea

My literary playlist

Doing the 30 day song challenge on Instagram as a bit of isolation entertainment has got me creating playlists left, right and centre, so I thought today I'd share a few of my favourite songs inspired by works of literature! I've made a (collaborative) playlist on Spotify which I'll be adding lots more things to… Continue reading My literary playlist

Hello again

Hello again everyone. Been a while, hasn’t it? As usual, Cambridge terms and this blog don’t seem to want to be friends however much I try to make them. So, as usual, I’m restarting the blog now that the holidays have started. Only now there's a difference. Now it’s not five weeks. Now it’s a… Continue reading Hello again

So, what’s your favourite book?

The eternal question. It comes up at almost every social event in which an English student is obliged to introduced themselves to someone and the conversation drifts to the fact that we study English. It then runs something like this: Them: So, what do you study at uni then? Me: English Them: Oh lovely, what’s… Continue reading So, what’s your favourite book?