
Hello all you wonderful people who have somehow found your way into this very small slice of the internet! There’s no getting out now…..

(I’m joking, you are of course entirely free to click the “back” button any time you choose)

I’m Cadence, and I’m currently completing my year-long graduate trainee placement in a library. I graduated from Cambridge last year with an English degree, and I still love talking about books (three years of habit dies hard). When I’m not reading, or at work, I’m normally to be found experimenting with vintage sewing projects, looking after my houseplants, and going on long walks in impractical shoes.

A view from inside the ruins of a cathedral, facing towards the huge east window. Sunlight streams through the empty window holes onto the grass, In the foreground is an open book held by the photographer.
A white woman with brown hair in a bright salmon-pink flowery dress and sunglasses stands in front of a wall on which is painted an image of Hamlet staring at the skull of Yorick with a background of blue cornflowers

On my blog, you’ll find plenty of theatre, plenty of library stuff, plenty of random musings and maybe a bit of wise (or less wise) life advice. And, if you want something that just isn’t here, send your idea over and I’ll do my best with it (either via the leave a post suggestion page or by carrier pigeon, it’s up to you)

So like the page, follow my blog, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pages, comment on posts, or do none of the above. Whatever floats your boat. But just so you know I did write little character sketches of all my optional papers a while back so if you run away now you’re definitely missing out. Oh and while you’re here,  check out my latest blog post!